Pigeon soup
Soup is really a primarily liquid meals, generally served warm (but could possibly be awesome or even cold), that’s prepared by combining components as for example vegetables, meats, water, fruit juice, and/or another liquid even.
Soup is the very very delicious food to us. Everyone likes to eat soup in regular basis even doctor suggest to take soup during sickness. There are different types of healthy soup recipes and pigeon soup is one of them. In home condition, easily you can prepare pigeon soup by following some tips. You can give surprise your special one or family member(s) or nearest one by providing pigeon soup in front of them.
To prepare Pigeon Soup try to follow the given procedure:
Equipment for small dish: Birds(pigeon) 1, 3 liters of water, 1 teaspoon ginger mash, half teaspoon mash of garlic, chili powder half teaspoon, onion mash 2 tablespoon, 1 table spoon of oil, salt as much as need.
Method of Pigeon Soup Preparation: At first wash and cut the pigeon feathers and clean it properly. Try to boil water and take pigeon meat in pot and mixed it with ginger-garlic mash. Add black pepper powder and salt to it as much as need. In this time water will become more hot and you need to boil it much more, the water will be condensed and density of you whole ingredient (pigeon solution) will be increased.
Now stop to boil it and use filter to filtered it. Take oil with onion in another pan and mixed pigeon solution with it. And it is pigeon soup that you have tried to prepare. Now serve the pigeon soup with hot condition to your nearest one.